So here we sit at 36 weeks... I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! I'm so happy to have made it this far. I really am... Although it would have been nice to have them outside the belly with us this Christmas, I still feel so grateful and blessed that they are healthy and cozy where they are still.
u p d a t e on t w i n s & p r e g n a n c y:
At the BPP this week, they passed all their tests with flying colors! Quickest they have passed! Bennett is still head down and ready to go, my silent little trooper. Emmy is a whole different ballgame. That girl has been head down, head up and sideways the whole pregnancy. This week she is transverse. They look something like the image below in there. I can feel her head and feet in my ribs, stomach and esophagus. We talked about the delivery day with vaginal versus c-section. Since they are measuring close to the same, she can deliver Emmy breech if she comes down that way after Bennett is born. It works because they are about the same size. It wouldn't work if she was bigger than him. The only thing they can't deliver vaginally is if she comes arms first. That would have to be a c- section. What I am getting at is we won't know until the day, and even the hour, I give birth.
Lately I have developed some pretty serious itching, not just on my belly, but all over my body, specifically my palms, feet and arms. My doctor ordered some blood work and is suspicious of the condition called Cholestasis. It's a condition of pregnancy that messes with the flow of bile from the liver. It's not serious for the mother but can be a problem for a developing baby. Bile salts can get into the blood stream and cause the mom to be itchy, in so few words. The Mayo Clinic does a great job outlining the condition here, if you're curious to learn more about it:
Our doctor called today regarding my blood work and it's completely normal! ((PRAISE)) But they are concerned that something is brewing. SO. Plan of action is to induce by 37 weeks instead of 38. So we will head into KUMED on Friday January 1st at 7pm and have the babes on the 2nd!!! Unless something comes up before then. So at a maximum I have one more week- and I am relieved I get to meet them so soon! Next doctor's appointment is Tuesday December 29th.
***Side note- since it's the middle of flu season, we want to make sure that everyone that wants to come see the babes once they arrive have had their flu shot. It could be an awkward encounter asking and you haven't but it's recommended that anyone around newborns and infants should have their shots. So we are being pre-cautious.
Until next week... Day before induction...
Lauren, E & B