MJ is HERE ya'll! And I'm sure you've seen it all over my social media. This birth story will be very different from the twins birth story.
I went into my last scheduled OB appointment on May 8th and was checked for dilation. The plan was to decide our next action based on my body's progression. I was 1+ dilated but had been having intense, irregular contractions all week. I was frustrated I wasn't farther along than that. My OB gave us 3 options:
1.) Schedule a C-Section for that week. (40 weeks)
2.) Induce me on the 13th to have her VBAC on the 14th.
3.). Wait another week to see if she comes naturally and if not, schedule a C- Section for the following week. (41 weeks)
We chose #1, and boy am I glad we did.
Taken right before I went back to get prepped for surgery. |
Alex and I were giddy. We had not made it to 40 weeks with the twins (they were born at 36 weeks and 4 days) and so this pregnancy seemed to draw on forever. We were just so excited and seeing as though I went through 30+ hours of labor with the twins, this seemed so smooth and relaxing. Weird, right? Alex met me back in pre-op and we had about 1.5 hrs until go time. We, of course, watched The Office on our phone and made bets on Maggie's weight.
Alex: 7 lbs 5 oz.
Me: 7 lbs 8 oz.
My OB: 7 lbs 10 oz.
We were all off.
Alex all ready to go! Looks pretty good in scrubs, I might add. |
Here we go!!! |
9# 5oz! 3 lbs bigger than the twins were! She still felt small... crazy to me how that is. |
It was cozier in Mom's belly. |
First family pic (minus the twins) |
My mom, Heidi, who took a lot of the first pics of Maggie you've seen above. |
Alex's parents, Chris and Becky meeting Maggie. |
Emmy, not sure and Buddy, all smiles! |
Dad of 3! And again, my ROCK throughout the whole experience. |
Maggie, passing her checkup! |
Buddy, warming up to Miss Maggie. |
Alex spent the night with Maggie and I Thursday night, but Friday night he went home to be Dad to the twins and get stuff ready for her arrival home Saturday. I was flying solo Friday night and it challenged me. When the twins were born, they were in the NICU our entire hospital stay. They had their own rooms and nurses and I could retreat back to my room for some "sleep". I didn't ever worry about them when I left them. With Maggie, she roomed with me the whole time, which I loved but also through me into reality. That first night, she had trouble with spit up and coughing up amniotic fluid. Thankfully the night nurse realized we were having troubles and took her to the nursery for a few hours to suction her out and give us a few hours of rest. Overall, the stay was great, our nurses were great and we were there shorter than I expected, which is also great.
Leaving the hospital on Saturday! |
L i f e a t H o m e
It has been crazy, I won't lie. Life with 3 just always seems busy. But it's also been amazing too. I love love love seeing Emmy and Bennett interact with her. They love to "help Mom" change Maggie, which really means playing in her room while I remembered and struggled with how hard it is to change a newborn's diaper. Everything is SO SMALL when you've been used to 2T, 3T and 4T clothing! (Yeah Bennett is starting to fit into some 4T clothing... as a 2.5 year old... )
My girls. |
Aren't they basically teenagers??? |
Next blog I'll talk about breastfeeding, and life with 3 under 3! Thanks for reading and Happy Memorial Day to everyone!
Until next time...
Lauren, E, B, & MJ