Life with 3.
Twins will be 3 in December.
Maggie is 6 months old.
Alex and I are 2 years away from 30 and will have our 10 year High School Reunion this year.
Life is what you see on social media, funny, entertaining, draining, adorable, full of energy and already decorated for Christmas (no shame). But so much of our life isn't on Instagram stories/ posts. And hence, the blog. So I am already setting the intention for 2019 (feels SO STRANGE to say that) to blog more. I know I've said that before but now that MJ is older and I can plan out our days more, it seems more attainable. We will see.
Winter has hit KC and hit us with two snow falls before Thanksgiving. I think it's more snow than we've had in the past 4 years. The twins absolutely LOVED every snowflake of it. It's been fun seeing them experience it with a more energetic view (last year they were scared of it) and an excitement about it.

They are L-O-V-I-N-G school this year. And by loving, I mean once I peel them off my leg and sneak away, they do great. This past week they both reluctantly got in the car, and held onto my neck tightly and screamed bloody murder as I tried to leave. It was, not fun. But when I go back to pick them up, they are always all smiles and can't wait to show me their art projects and tell me about their day. So it all makes up for it. The one day a week without them has been a GODSEND for me, as bad as that sounds. But time alone with MJ is really priceless these days. She is such a sweet, funny, attentive little girl and she's so young still. Strange to already see so much personality in someone so small. Having more than one kiddo is challenging to "split your time" and life starts to feel like you're "running a race" and will never reach the finish line, but this time spent with just my youngest is giving me life right now.
As MJ gets older, things get somewhat more "manageable" than they were when she was a newborn. I feel like I can plan for our days a little easier, knowing she eats 4-5 times a day and normally takes two naps (morning and afternoon, and sometimes evening, depending on the day). I was a ROUTINE, SCHEDULE mama with the twins. I was able to write down when they ate, napped, pooped (not really) but basically I could leave them with a sitter or family believing that my tiny notebook with the written routine would guide the sitter to a perfect day/ evening. With Maggie, she is all things flexible and really sticks to no true routine. She sort-of has to be with twins for siblings. If she wakes up at 7, I plan a nap for around 9:30/10... if she looks tired. If she wakes up at 8:30, we plan a trip to the library or park and hope to get her down for a nap upon returning home. Each day is different and each day she is content to "go with the flow".
I have good days, amazing days, bad days and really bad days. No week is the same. I can't even begin to write down every little funny thing the twins me, I wish I could. There's a couple of things that stick out in my mind that my sweet babies ask me weekly. "Are you frustrated?" and "Are you happy?" Excuse me while my heart melts on the floor. Yes, I have my frustrating days. Emmy still struggles with potty training, and that drains me most days. But my God, YES YES YES I am happy. And I am so blessed to say that to my babies.
I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are spending it with family and we can't wait to eat everything.
See you soon.
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Such a happy happy girl. And huz. |
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Alright. This librarian. She is just the best. And the twins LOVE her story time. We are hooked and will probably go until they are ready for Kindergarten. |
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Emmy has started to ask to feed Mags, and my heart melted. And she grabbed the bottle and jumped right in. My girls! |
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Auntie spoiling them with donuts... there's nothing better. |