So, Saturday marks my blogs 1 year birthday! It's so hard for me to believe I've kept this up for 52+ weeks! But, I am so glad I have. This past week, I went back and read old blog posts from before the babies were even born. It's been such a great memory keeper for me and something I will always cherish. Those raw thoughts, hardships, first experiences, etc... I will never forget them thanks to the blog. And someday, the thought of sharing them with my babies, makes my heart smile.
In honor of my blogs 1 year birthday, I'm going to list my top 3 favorite posts to write and why I L O V E D sharing them with you all.
1. Birth Story. Posted January 7th. This was an emotionally hard post to put together, but my absolute favorite of all of them. I was so glad I sat down a week later and threw it all onto the blog. It's the story of how my babies came into this world. Raw, revealing, terrifying. I've never had so many emotions in such a short, condensed period of time. The thing that I smile at now and thank God for every day, is that I have 2 happy and healthy babies. Through that difficult birth, came the lives of my 2 greatest achievements thus far. I also wanted to share to expose the realities of birth and how it can often times not go as planned. Hoping this reaches expectant mamas not to scare them, but to shed light on the reality that you have to be prepared for the unexpected.
2. Love Yourself. Posted October 27th. This post was empowering to write and to share with the readers. I wanted to expose the ever leering subject of the woman's changing body after they have created the miracle of life. I questioned if I should post body images and kicked myself after I even questioned it. It was my exact POINT to show self confidence and to empower other mama's to know that while it isn't always easy, we should embrace our new bodies... they give us the greatest gift's of our lives. And hell yeah growing humans is a super power.
3. Picture Perfect Life. Posted October 6th. I loved writing this post. I have been guilty of trying to take the "perfect picture" for Instagram or Facebook and I was sick and tired of feeling inadequate next to the other thousands of mama's out there who could make dinner, play with their kids, sew a quilt, grow an herb garden, and have time to clean the entire house top to bottom... OH and take pictures of all of that along the way. Yes it's fun to scroll through and see beautiful pictures, but you have to understand the reality of life and that it's not always clean and pretty. Anyways, I had fun with this one.
Check them out if you haven't read them! I had fun writing them and hope to bring you more this next year.
G e t t i n' S o C h r i s t m a s s y...
This weekend, our family went to the Christmas tree farm! Now, yes... we already have a fake tree and it's been up since mid November (I don't wanna hear it) but we couldn't stay away from the adorable Christmas tree farm 5 minutes from our house. Plus, they sold greenery and I think from now on I am going to go get fresh garland for my home- there's something about it's freshness and nothing beats that true balsam fir smell.
Some pictures to share our day with you... Some of the photos taken by Heidi West... Enjoy...
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Buddy and his Grandma, my mom. |
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Bennett found the perfect Charlie Brown Tree. |
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Chubs... |
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B, sulking in the stroller. |
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It's truly the most wonderful time of the year... |
Thanks for reading this past year. I hope everyone is enjoying this very merry time of year. Tell your loved ones you love them, smile at a stranger, take a minute out of your day to ask your neighbor how their week is going... It will slow time down for you and make life a little sweeter.
Until next week..
Lauren, E&B
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