Oh What a Year It's Been!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

W E E K   1 5 !  And it's been a HUGE week in the Keith household!  Plenty of growing up going on this week!  TIME please slow down.

The babies have both rolled over, recognized and acknowledged each other, and really started grasping things.  It all happens so quickly.  In a matter of a week, I feel like they are already little kids!

These 2 hams... all clad in their spring gear! 
Auntie Anna got B some authentic converse and now they FIT!  Super stylish in his PJs too! 
She LOVES floor time.  She would rather lay out flat on her back than anything.  Also, she prefers no clothes and just her diaper, which makes her dad and I a little nervous.
Bennett rolled over first, last Friday!  I can't believe I doubted him going first in my last post!  He's her older brother and he's ready to pave the way for Emmy Lou. We thought maybe it was a fluke because he was shocked and didn't do it again all weekend.  Then, this week, he did it twice and we knew it was for real and intentional!  Followed right by Emmy.  That same day!  It was totally awesome and Alex and I both saw them do it, which was incredible.  We even got B on film, which can be seen on my Instagram account: lpatriciawk, if interested!

As his shirt says, he is seriously adorable.  Bennett has soooo much to say!  The kid will be talking before I know it.  He also can fart more than most human beings.  Well, maybe not his dad but the kid passes gas like a beast.  Which is better than him holding it in!
Poor E is still teething like crazy.  The girl is a drooling fool but she hangs in there most of the day.  Infant tylenol helps TREMENDOUSLY.  Any other suggestions people have, we are all ears.  We are loving our Munch Mitt- thanks to Sarah Dooley for the recommendation.
Then, Tuesday of this week, they recognized each other.  It was enough to bring tears to our eyes.  Emmy looked right at Bennett, smiled, laughed and kept staring. He looked right back at her, and smiled.  We knew they were "seeing" each other for the first time.  Nothing can descibe the pure joy that we saw in both of their faces.  It doesn't happen a lot throughout the day but when Alex gets home, we always hold them up to each other and let them interact face to face.

Developmentally this week they have been working on holding and grasping things as well as batting at the animals on their activity mat.  I saw Emmy grab onto a toy for the first time this week.  It's very short intervals but its happening and we couldn't be more proud.

Emmy loving the camera.  She has THE cutest open mouth smile I've ever seen but I guess I am biased.
We've been calling Bennett "Buddy" a lot... I sense a nickname in his future.

A p r i l   1 8 t h ...
Monday is our first anniversary, and yes I said FIRST.  Sooooo much has happened this first year married and I wouldn't change a thing.  I can't believe I'm typing this!  It has absolutely flown.  I always had a feeling I wouldn't be married long before having kids and when I found out Alex felt the same way, I knew we would be welcoming little Keith's into the world quickly after getting hitched.  Little did I know it would be 9 months and 4 days after the honeymoon ;)

Being married has been the most wonderful, amazing, beautiful challenge and I have to be honest, Alex and I are not perfect.  We have had ups AND downs this first year.  We quickly had to move out of "newlywed mode" and into "preparing parent mode" and then thrown into "parent mode".  They say the most stressful 3 things in your life are getting married, buying a house and having a baby and folks, we did all those things in one calendar year (the house was in 2014 but you get my drift).  I wouldn't change a thing.

That being said, I wouldn't have been able to do all this without my best friend.  Having Alex by my side made these huge life changing events so pleasurable and unforgettable.  I'd say we don't do anything without doing it big, from our past experiences.  Alex is the greatest husband and father (I know I've said this so many times before) continually giving more of himself than I ever thought he could.  The sacrifices he has made and the upbeat, positive attitude he has, leave me always wanting to be better, for him and our babies.  Sorry for the mushy mush... it's our one year anniversary talking :)

Monday night we are celebrating and I'll leave it at that.  Tune in next week for the deets about our super awesome date night!

O u r   N e w   R e a l i t y...
It's been 2 weeks since my new shift at work started and it's been different.  Great, but different.  I have yet to be called into work and so my reality of waiting becomes real.  I love this shift.  It's great for my family and I can now say I stay at home with my kids, something I never thought I would be able to say.  But that being said, life can get a little lonely with 2 little guys that don't talk back to you.  Nothing crazy, just a new life that I'm still adjusting to.  Right now it's starting to get better as the babies are learning to interact with me but it's still feed, change, nap, repeat for the most part.  It's a beautiful thing to be around to see all of their changes and their growth.  That, I am soooo grateful for.  But I went from working 40 hours a week with my KU Med family, to barely seeing them, and that is hard.  But I know worth it.

Ah life... so much can change in one year!  It keeps reminding me to tell people how you feel and live each day to the fullest (cheesy I know).  Every time I think about these cliche sayings, I now feel I can relate to them and I take them more seriously.  I took E & B to our favorite park yesterday and saw an elderly couple walking around the trail.  We quickly passed them (I try and make walking my new cardio) and I paused to think about how quickly life can pass.  That will be Alex and I in the far away future.  Before I know it, I'll be dropping E & B off at school and I'll look back at these days and miss them...  Taking a deep breath right now and enjoying it.

Lots of Accessories for these two.  They still remind me of a little old couple in their chairs.


I am always grateful for those who read the blog.  Thanks for being here, reading about my life and remaining interested.  Seeing response and hearing from people makes my heart so full.  I love the community I'm a part of and everyone that reads, is to thank for that.  

See you guys next Thursday! 
Much love,

Lauren, E&B

1 comment:

  1. Yay, happy anniversary you two!!!!! That first year goes SO fast, but hey they say time flies when you're having fun :)

    How exciting that E and B recognized and acknowledged each other - this is going to be a whole new world with those two getting all chummy with each other, what a blast!

    xo MK


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