RSV Ain't Got Nothing On This 70 Degree (Weather)

Thursday, February 23, 2017

70℉ weather in Kansas City in FEBRUARY calls for a lot of outdoor time.  And that we did (or tried to) as much as we could this weekend and week.  The weekend started out rough for us, as it began with 5 hours in the Emergency Department with little Bennett.

He has been sick, as you knew from last weeks post, but things got worse early Saturday morning.  He woke up screaming and coughing at 6AM which was unusual for him to be that worked up and to wake up that early.  We brought him downstairs and after giving him some of his bottle, we noticed how labored and irregular his breathing was.  He seemed to be holding his breath at the top of inspiration.  Bennett has always had issues with heavy breathing but this was different from other days.  He seemed in pain.  We called the pediatric doctor and as I thought, they told us to bring him in right away.

We got to the ED about 7AM and they started with us pretty much immediately.  They suctioned his nose out and sent the sample down to test for flu, RSV and other viruses.  They came back positive for RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and you can click that link to read more from the CDC.  But it's basically an upper respiratory infection that has symptoms similar to a cold but with the addition of decreased appetite, sometimes fever and wheezing.  If the child has difficult breathing or develops pneumonia or bronchitis from it, they can be hospitalized.  Thankfully, they examined him, took a chest X-ray and found no signs of pneumonia and determined he would be okay to go home.  They did manage to find another ear infection in the poor guy, so sent us home with antibiotics for that.  There's nothing they can prescribe for RSV, just home remedies such as keeping his nose clear, humidifiers in his room, keeping him hydrated and watching for fever.

Saturday night was the worst night.  B woke up every 3 hours or so, upset and warmer to the touch than normal.  Thank God for ibuprofen.  We were still up at 5:15 AM Sunday morning.  Y A W N.  Needless to say, we all took 2 naps before 11 and felt a little better.  The beginning of this week was rough for me.  Having Alex around during the weekend at least gave me another person to tackle the kiddos with.  But since Bennett was still not 100% and Emmy was getting a little cough, it left me feeling 2 arms short and needing a break.  Thankfully Wednesday, which had a high of 79℉ was the first day of both babies feeling really good.  We were outside most of the day and there were very few tears shed, if any, all day.  That day gave me my strength back from the long week.

As I sit typing this, the babies are playing together and occupying themselves with toys.  I've waited for this all week and I'm so glad they're finally back to normal.  My advice to parents with kiddos with RSV?  Hang.  In.  There.  It takes awhile to go away, but it will eventually and your babe will be back to their normal ways in no time.  I stressed so much about him not eating and getting enough hydration.  And the days get long with the unending crying, but always give yourself options, breaks and don't beat yourself up about your kiddo being sick.  Little kids get sick.  They just do.  That's life and it makes them stronger after it.  I know it breaks your heart, as it does mine.  But they're tough little cookies and you're still doing a great job.  I don't know.  That positive thinking has worked for me.

Two peas in a pod...
Emmy girl, no shy bone in her body....
I guess she wants to start her tan early?

"It's like a giant crib!" -Bennett, off the deck
Her outfit though... we can't wait for Spring and Summer.
Emmy waving and saying cheese.  They are starting to copy us more and more and are learning new words daily.  It's too cool.  Photo cred: Nicole Watkins
We have 2 little rocking chairs, one was mine and one was my sister's from when we were little.  They have quickly become their favorite pieces of furniture.  
Photo cred: Nicole Watkins
Kissing her babe.  Photo cred: Nicole Watkins
Photo cred: Nicole Watkins 
Emmy Lou, so proud of putting her brother's hat on by herself.
Photo cred: Nicole Watkins
Thanks for tuning in, and to those who texted about Bennett this week, thank you for thinking of us.  We feel very loved.

See ya'll next week!

Lauren, E&B


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