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These PEANUTS are always making me smile. |
I've always thought New Year's Resolutions are dumb. I've never actually used those words seriously (I still don't really) but with the start of this new year, I feel the need to live this year better than the last.
I'm trying not to be hard on myself but lets all be honest: there's always room for self improvement. If you really are wanting to loose weight and that's your thing, you do you. But for me, it's a little different.
Saying no to say yes.
I have to learn to say no in my life, although I feel like I say it like 60 times a day at least to B and E. "Bennett, no. Don't go up the stairs. Emmy, no. Throw food on the ground" Etc... But what I mean by that is I have to learn to say no to the right things. I've always been a yes person, wanting to please others and make sure everyone else was okay, before myself. And that's good... to an extent. When I became a mom, I had to shift from me wanting to take care of everyone else to me needing to make sure my children were taken care of first. Believe it or not, that has taken some living and learning. I've got myself into situations that I really didn't want to do, that took me away from my family, and in the end of the day left me feeling like I wasn't the best mom to my babies.
With that came my first real New Year's Resolution. Saying no to say yes to myself, and my family. Mentally checking in each day with myself and looking forward to the day's plans and asking, "Is this the best use of my time with my babies? Is this something we NEED to do? Am I staying healthy for my family by taking time for myself each day to recharge, throw in a workout session, make sure to eat during the day and not just snack on Em and Bennett's leftovers?" I'll try and update you all on the progress throughout the year, but just know that if I don't get a blog one week here and there, it's because I'm saying no... to say yes.
See you all next week! I'll give a more updated post on the babies!
Lauren, E&B
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