Since it's been awhile since I've done a true update on the twins, this post is for them! And for you who follow along and are wondering just how well they are growing.
E m m y L o u...21.5 lbs and 30" tall
It's amazing how much she has grown in the past few months. She's always been smaller than Bennett, except right at birth. She is my calm, sweet observant child. She's content playing by herself and doesn't need much to make her happy. But when she is upset, you know something is wrong (either she's sick, tired or hungry) and you can't blame the girl. She takes her brother's rough-housing pretty far and can always find another toy when he inevitably takes one from her. She is SO good at eating, and surprises my sometimes with how much she can fit in her tummy. Her favorite word right now is "ba", which we know as "ball" but she pretty much uses it as a name for a bunch of things. Emmy has been able to pick up on the baby sign language for "all done" and uses it in more situations than just eating, which is hilarious. Emmy LOVES music and could carry my phone playing music around for HOURS and be content. Today after her 5 shots, the only thing that cheered her up besides me holding her was music, specifically The Lumineers.
B e n n e t t M a t t h e w...
23.2 lbs and 30.5" tall
Buddy Bennett is my rough and tough cuddler. I would say that because the boy can play for hours running around, falling down, throwing balls, smacking into things, stealing toys from Emmy, but he will always love a cuddle session at least once a day and it melts my heart. For the first time last night, he sat calmly in my lap and let me read him a pretty long book before bed. It's moments like those I hold onto and love to remember in times of stress. Bennett is an avid lover of green beans and blueberries specifically but he eats really well for the most part. He talks ALOT and we can understand a few words from him, "ball, again and done". Of course since I'm around him all day, I've had the chance to listen closely and know that's what he means. He's still very young and words are a new concept that he's getting better every day with. The kid still melts for Winnie the Pooh and still loves having the comfort of a binkie, especially at night. His favorite room in the house is the bathroom and I think it's because his favorite things to do are brush his teeth and take a bath.
We had our 12 month check up today and everything looks great with the babies and their growth charts. It's crazy getting to a time when the doctor tells you you can start getting rid of using bottles and binkies in the next few months and switch to sippy cups and making dentist appointments. I'm telling you what, people told me time would go fast... I had no idea it was warp speed.
See ya'll next week!
Lauren, E&B
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