Thursday, June 2, 2016

The babies are finally 5 months old!  And we have officially entered S U M M E R   2 0 1 6!

We are almost a half a year! Ahhh!  Cue the happy feels.
U p d a t e   O n   T w i n s...
We digressed a couple nights on sleeping through the night.  The worst night, Bennett woke up every hour and a half crying and unable to get back to sleep.  It was a rough night.  Our main problem, we felt, was keeping them comfortable in their diapers for the 12 hour sleep.  We've been using Pampers 12 hour diapers... but have been told there are specific night diapers.. might give those a go.  For the most part, they are still putting themselves to sleep, both being soothed by their trusty pacifiers.

Sharing a pack and play and knowing we can put them down other places other than their nursery is a verrrrrry good feeling!
They are still eating every 4 hours during the day and no night feedings [yayyyyy].  We feed them solids at two of those meals (the lunch time meal and afternoon meal) introducing them to a variety of pureed goodness.  Bennett has loved everything, so much so that he is rather impatient when we give his sister a bite of the food in between his bites.  They have tried bananas, pears, mangos, sweet potatoes, green beans, and squash.  We're going to go for apples next and possibly avocados!

I've made some homemade sweet potatoes for them and it went over great!  I pureed 2 large sweet potatoes with some of their formula in my food processor and froze quite a bit of them.  They have been de-thawing nicely and the twins have gobbled them down.  I still have some in the freezer and since they're good for 3 months, it's nice to have a stock.  I'm planning on exploring making their foods more, but for now during the trial stage, I'll see what they like.

Emmy girl, practicing with her spoon.  She is such a patient eater, unlike her brother who insists on eating everything and anything all the time.
I think we are moving up in clothes sizes for Emmy girl!  Most of the 3 month clothing is pretty tight and so she's more comfortable in 6 month clothing now.  Bennett is wearing 6-9 month clothing now but will fit in 12 month onesies!  The kid has some girth to him.

Smiley babies in the early morning hours!  These happy faces make up for the fact that I am super sleepy, and needing coffee.
Ready for our walk! They have finally gotten big enough to bump up into their "big kid" stroller, which handles awesome and we love taking on long walks. 
Bennett, fast asleep like usual.

U p d a t e   O n   M o m...
So it's now been exactly two months since I started my new position at KU and I can honestly say now that I love this job.  It was a bit tough adjusting to it in the beginning but now that I have got some routine in it, I feel pretty good about it.  Like I said before, I am now working one day a week during the day to get back in the groove of surgery and to make some overtime pay.  I've been doing that for two weeks now and it's been great.  The only downside to doing that is I run the risk of working all day and getting called in at night.  But, I take the chance and so far it's worked out okay.

Lately, the babies have been napping pretty great during the day allowing me to get some much needed "Lauren time".  In that time, I sometimes manage to get a workout in, catch up on housework, laundry, make myself some food, or even manage to sit on the deck and get sun!  Can you believe it??  It's nice to have those few moments here and there.  I have been LOVING YouTube workout again.  I did alot of them before my wedding and have jumped back on the bandwagon.  One of my favorite instructors is Rebecca Louise with XHIT.  Try her 30 minute total body workouts.  They are awesome and a great, quick way to get in shape.

Wedding season is upon us and we're going to our first wedding this weekend!  My good friend Liz Winke is getting hitched and Alex and I are so excited to jump into this fun summer of wedding bliss.  Can't wait to share pictures.

F a m i l y   F r i d a y s   # 1
Our first family friday of the summer was AWESOME!  We took the twins to the Nelson Atkins Museum in KC and spent hours getting lost in the exhibits.  Its free admission with underground parking for $8--- if it's raining it's worth the 8 bucks.  Street parking is free though, so your day can be completely free if you want it badly enough.  We brought the "spaceship" and just floated around the museum, taking it in and watching people awkwardly stare at us as if to say, "You actually get out with twins?"

Again, B sleeping through the entire museum.  Totally out.  And loved every minute of it.
Emmy, on the other hand, enjoyed the American and European arts and fell asleep once she got bored. 

We were only there for a few hours and didn't even see half of the museum.  Only thing that we wanted to do that was not easy was grab a coffee there.  The cafeteria was SO crowded and the line was out the door.  So if you get hungry, take a protein bar or some trail mix.  I really wasn't sure if we could take food in but there weren't signs so I snuck bites in between rooms of art.

We hit Scooter's coffeehouse on the way home and then spent the afternoon together, sitting outside and ending the day with a nice glass of wine, for Alex and I, not the babies.  Everyone calm down.  Great way to start our summer.  Tomorrow it's looking like 85 degrees and sunny here in KC... so tomorrow, we will be outside.  Tune in next week for pictures!

See ya'll in a week.
                              Lauren, E&B


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