Half a Year, Cue the Tear(s)

Thursday, June 30, 2016

We've made it to 6 months people!  And we are LOVING life.

R E C A P...
So Father's Day weekend, Alex went to a bachelor party in Louisville and I was on my own for the first time since the twins were born.  It was a challenge but thankfully, my family checked in on me throughout the weekend to give me little breaks.  I know I say this a lot: I don't know what Alex and I would do without our families.  They have done so much for us, and if you are reading this... thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Being alone with the babies for that weekend was a bit frightening, knowing that it was only me with them at night and so forth, but because they sleep so well, it was just fine!  Alex will have a chance to experience it later this summer when I go to a bachelorette party for one of my best friends!  Check back then for how I do away from the babies more than one day for the first time.

These 2 are getting more photogenic by the week...
Family Selfie
The loves of my life.  They make me the happiest person on Earth.
Capturing my sweet Emmy Lou's smile... my heart!

F a m i l y   F r i d a y s   # 4 ...
Last Friday we went to Kansas City's gem, The World War I Memorial and Museum.  It was a hot day so this was a perfect thing to do inside.  I know what you're thinking: taking 2 babies to a museum, why?  Alex and I have had this "bucket list" of things we have wanted to do in KC and after we had the babies, we thought, we can still do these things!  And boom... Family Friday's commenced.

Daddy and Em Girl (She fell asleep like 2.5 seconds after this)
My little man.
Inside the museum.  Poppys representing all the lives lost in the war.  Each poppy represents a certain number of lives (the number escapes me).
We started with them both in the stroller but Bennett wanted out quickly and stayed awake for the entire thing.  Except for the end outside.  He was so "interested" I could swear he was looking at all the pictures.  We ended with the outside (Liberty Memorial) and the breathtaking view of KC.  Our favorite spot to see the city we love!

B zonked out after a very long museum day...

Keith Fam!  (B and E asleep)
Just perfect.
After the museum we quickly picked up lunch at Tenderloin Grill in KC and headed home for feeding the babes.  It was a great day!  Even better because I spent it with my 3 favorite people.

T w i n s ...
So the babies are like minutes away from sitting up on their own and weeks away from crawling.  It's crazy!  I'm loving these milestones.  We are still feeding them 2 solid meals a day along with formula 4 times a day.  I'm looking forward to starting Gerber's 2nd foods!  Which I'm excited about.  Even I'm getting bored of the same foods for them and I'm not even eating them.
The last few days, the babies have been actually sleeping the full 12 hours! 7pm-7am!  It's been a dream.  I don't know how long it'll last but it's great now and we are loving it.
We have their 6 month appointment next week and I'll share weights and their health status then.  I think you can tell from the pictures that we have some happy and healthy babies.

Annnnnd they love prunes, which I hate.  But they are GREAT at getting them to poop.  Also, note Emmy's bib is backwards.  For a reason.  The front is stained by... you guessed it... prunes.  Sigh.
Brother, up close and in his space. 
Brother and Sissy hangin
M o m...
Alright, time for an update on me!  I've been working out like crazy in hopes of meeting my goal by September (9 months postpartum).  And my goal isn't a rock solid goal.  It's just a sense of getting back to close to where I was before I was pregnant.  Time for a belly pic update:

I feel happier than where I was at the 4 month mark, but I'm still not there yet.  I think the biggest part is the excess skin (gross I know).  Since I had twins and when they were born I was measuring 47 weeks pregnant, I was huge and had more stretch than most single pregnant women have.  One thing I have been so thankful for on this postpartum journey is Alex's positive and uplifting comments.  He keeps me going and keeps me focused on why I'm working hard.  I've been using the same YouTube workouts from Rebecca Louise mixed with some running and an occasional Insanity workout.  I'm a big fan of video, especially in the steaming summer months when running outside is almost unbearable.  Plus, I can do them when the babies nap! Win win.

This weekend is the babies first 4th of July (obviously) and we don't have huge plans yet!  Leaving the weekend up to chance.

First family dinner at the table together.  We want dinner time to be a social event and thought we would start it early.
This kid.
HAMS!  Happy about being 6 months old!
Sir Bennett, breaking hearts with that pout.
Emmy, never a picture without her arms open wide... or balancing herself... either one, but probably the second.

See you all next week!
Lauren, E & B


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